Little Athletics Queensland Awards

LAQ Offical of the Year

Only one award is presented throughout Qld by LAQ each year with the winner being announced at the State Conference.

2010-2011 Recipient – Karen Wolfenden

Centre Promotional Award

This Award is presented to the centre with the best Centre Promotion through newspapers, promotional flyers, Centre Yearbook, Centre Newsletters and technology
2013-2014Bernadette LowrieBernadette Lowrie
2012-2013Bernadette LowrieBernadette Lowrie
2010-2011Bernadette LowrieGai Grieve
2009-2010Julie TotoroGai Grieve
2008-2009Julie TotoroGai Grieve
2007-2008Julie TotoroTracey Keong
2006-2007Kerry GuilfolyeTracey Keong
2005-2006Kerry GuilfolyeTracey Keong
2003-2004Karen Wolfenden
2002-2003Liz Harries

Laurie Baartz Memorial Trophy

2014-2015Jason Castle
2013-2014Josephine Rossallen2006-2007Lachlan Rowden
2012-2013Nikita O’Hara1998-1999Ryan Wood
2011-2012Tori Herd
2010-2011Genevieve Peij
2009-2010Chelsea Keong
2008-2009Brianna Vohland
2007-2008Joshua Totoro
2006-2007Lachlan Rowden
2005-2006Jake Rowden
2004-2005Aleki Aspery
2003-2004Amy Horsburgh
2002-2003Kristel Efu
2001-2002Catherine Hannell

LAQ George Harvey Award Centre Shield

2014-2015Brianna Vohland2014-2015Brianna Vohland
2011-2012Joshua Totoro / Tia Herd2009-2010Daniella Volling
2009-2010Daniella Volling2005-2006Glenn Crimmin
2005-2006Glenn Crimmin / Kellie Ford2004-2005Amy Horsburgh
2004-2005Amy Horsburgh2003-2004Elizabeth Wolfenden
2003-2004Elizabeth Wolfenden1999-2000Luci Smith / Craig Wolfenden
2001-2002Susan Morris

LAQ Volunteer of the Year

2014-2015Bernadette Lowrie2014-2015Bernadette Lowrie
2012 -2013Darrin Eager2012-2013Darrin Eager
2010-2011Karen Vohland
2009-2010Kerry Guilfoyle
2007-2008Peter Guilfoyle
2004-2005Belinda Larkin
2003-2004Debbie Crimmin
2002-2003Ross Wolfenden2002-2003Ross Wolfenden
2001-2002Kerry Cooper

LAQ  Coach of the Year

Only one award is presented throughout Queensland by LAQ each year. The winner is announced at the LAQ State Conference.

2001-2002 Recipient – Karen Wolfenden

LAQ Honour Certificates

Nominees must have demonstrated the desire to foster the aims of Little Athletics within their centre and must have shown a level of commitment well above that shown by a normal centre parent. They must have had at least five years service at centre level, with part of this time spent as a member of the Centre Management Committee.
2012-2013Melinda Cotterill/Bernadette Lowrie/
Tania Herd/Ken Clarkson
2010-2011Karen Vohland / Ray Totoro2000-2001Kathy Ford / Sandy Horsburgh
2009-2010Jody Hollinger / Tania Stickler1999-2000Sharron Wood
2008-2009Gai Grieve / Helen Fullerton /Heather Volling / Julie Totoro / Kerry Guilfoyle1998-1999Irene Morris / Chris Manley / Mary O’Brien
2007-2008Tracey Keong / Neil Dabelstein / David Lacey / Lisa Beaven1997-1998Katie Male / Karon Park / Claire Pratten
2003-2004Debbie Crimmin / Michelle Wallis / Leanne McMurdy / Vince Blanchard1996-1997Carol Smith / Joycee Smith / Karen Wolfenden
2002-2003Debbie Maykin1995-1996Mary Waldon

Distinguished Merit Award

Only one award is presented throughout Queensland by LAQ each year. The nominee must have a minimum of 12 years service to Little Athletics at all levels from Centre through to State level.

2003-2004 Recipient – Karen Wolfenden

LAQ Merit Awards

Only 10 awards are awarded by LAQ throughout the state each year. Nominees must have clearly demonstrated a commitment to furthering the growth and development of their centre. They should have been involved at Centre level for a minimum of eight years, three of which must have been at Centre Management Committee level.
2014-2015Karen Vohland
2003-2004Kathy Ford1997-1998Joycee Smith / Ross Wolfenden
2001-2002Claire Pratten1996-1997Karen Wolfenden / Mary Waldon

LAQ Centre Administration

This award is presented to the centre with the best administrative practices
2001-2002Caboolture LAC – Highly Commended
2000-2001Caboolture LAC – Placed 2nd

LAQ Recognition of CAPS Members

Challenge Achievements and Pathways in Sports is a leadership development program sponsored by the Queensland Government.
2014-2015Brianna VohlandStep 1 & 2
2012-2013Chelsea Keong / Tia HerdStep 2
2008-2009Daniella VollingStep 1
2006-2007Beth HorsburghStep 2

CAPS Sports Leaders

Beth Horsburgh, Amy-Lee Horsburgh, Elizabeth Wolfenden, Luci Smith, Craig Wolfenden, Amber Male and Stephen Wolfenden

LAQ CAPS Recognition Awards

2006-2007Beth HorsburghCaps Participant of the Year
2005-2006Caboolture Little Athletics CentreCaps Centre of the Year

LAQ 10 Years Athletes Participation Award

This award is awarded to athletes who have competed in Little Athletics for a period of 10 years.
2012 -2013Chelsea Keong / Laine Crocombe /Joshua Totoro
2011-2012Tyson Keong
2008 -2009Jonquille Blanchard / Jake Horsburgh
2007-2008Beth Horsburgh / Amy Horsburgh
2003-2004Elizabeth Wolfenden
2002-2003Robert O’Brien
2001-2002Susan Morris / Chelsea Pratten / Luci Smith / Craig Wolfenden / Stephen Wolfenden

LAQ Service Badges

The nominee must have continuous service to LAQ during which time they have demonstrated the desire to foster the aims of Little Athletics within the Centre and the Community.
2012-2013Julie Totoro / Ray Totoro
2011-2012Tracey Keong
2007-2008Rick Horsburgh
2005-2006Kathy & Steven Ford / Sandy Horsburgh
2001-2002Mary O’Brien
2000-2001Irene Morris / John Morris
1998-1999Claire Pratten / Joycee Smith
1997-1998Ross Wolfenden / Karen Wolfenden
2004-2005Karen Wolfenden / Claire Pratten
2009-2010Karen Wolfenden
2014-2015Karen Wolfenden

McDonalds Centre Volunteer Award

The 2001-2002 season saw Caboolture Little Athletics Club awarded this prestigious honour by Little Athletics QLD. This award is no longer presented by LAQ.

Ned Brooks NNC Zone Awards

Volunteers received this award for outstanding service to NNC Zones. This award is no longer presented by LAQ.

Kathy Ford, Joycee Smith and Karen Wolfenden